David Jonathan: Well I don’t get creative blocks really, ideas jut come randomly in my head at any time. I could be driving downtown and all of a sudden get an idea for the next photo shoot. I sometimes though look through model portfolios and listen to music. I really try to capture the moments in-between the photos, they are more natural and relaxed. I’m never really struggling to come up with ideas.
GN: What are some messages you want your photography to convey?
DJ: Well I try to bring out the model’s thoughts rather than their figure. I talk and try to get to know them so we can become comfortable with each other and I find that it makes it easier for me and the model to communicate during a shoot. I like to capture the environment and make it as interesting as the subject. When I shoot someone I try to get them from every possible angle. I like shooting in an ambiguous nature. I try to not capture the perfect image, that’s just boring.
GN: Tell me about your photography then...
DJ: Well my photography is my art, it’s the one thing that’s me and the one thing that I have.
My art is very personal to me and I know that some people will like it and others won’t.
GN: Do you have any favourite types of people to shoot?
DJ: Hmm...I like taking pictures of new or average people. I find they are much more natural and expressive. It feels more authentic to me.
GN: Any themes revolving around your photos?
DJ: Androgyny. I love playing with sexuality in shoots.
GN: Who are your favourite photographers?
DJ: Erwin Olaf, and also local and friend photographers. Oh! And Joshua Mcveity of course...can’t forget him.
GN: Why did you choose to become a professional photographer?
DJ: It wasn’t really something I thought I’d be. I mean I definitely had an interest in it but, I guess things just all fell into place. Now it’s all I know.
GN: Do you have any preference to the type of clothing being worn on the people you photograph?
DJ: Well it depends. I really like fabric drapery and loose clothing. Also a classy or just a simple look. Sometimes I pick out the clothing, but most of the time I prefer to shoot people with distinct personal style.
GN: What styles do you like? Like on yourself
DJ: Well while I was in Montreal recently I basically loved everything everyone was wearing haha. But I like street style and the designer Paul Smith. Right now I’m really into beige colours, or any earthy tone colours actually I love plaid. I own so much of it. But I’m more concerned with what other people are wearing . Oh....and I love beards!! Haha
GN: What do you like to read? For inspiration and stuff?
DJ: Hmm...V magazine, I have a ton of them. I study art history and read old Vogues. I’m more inspired by older things rather than new.
David is a freelance photographer and currently landed a job working for a modelling agency.
See more of his work at
DavidJ.Photo and join the
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