It was only a matter of time before ex-pop star Britney Spears was added to the pool of celebrities who wear fake designer handbags. Joining the list with tennis pro Anna Kournikova who sports a fake Louis Vuitton Multicolore Speedy, reality t.v. star Nicole Richie who owns a few fake Balenciaga’s, American actress Michelle Trachtenberg who totes a replica Chloe Paddington Satchel, and now Britney Spears with her white-ish-pink bag that’s suppose to be “Chanel.”source(thebag)

Her Chloe Heloise Shoulder Bag is so bold, it almost makes you forget that she’s wearing those damn boots again. And that fedora. And, um, velvet shorts. Hey, I said almost forget. But Brit deserves points for selecting something bright and distracting. Those chunky, braided handles are gorgeous on this purse, and this style is fairly timeless.source:(pursepage)

Chloe’s latest “it” bag, the Bay Bag. Britney is just the latest celeb to fall for the stylish leather bag recognizeable by its teardrop-shaped leather tags; Mischa Barton and Kylie Minogue are also proud owners. Britney’s version is done in a nice pumpkin orange-brown hue, and it’s definitely a step in the right direction.