I must admit when alot of fuss and noise was made over Joseph Mimran I never really paid much attention to it. I usually like to take my time with things which is probably pretty ironic as I blog about my own views and opinions in the fashion industry. I like to watch and take it all in. He is so accomplished, Club Monaco, Alfred Sung, sigh.
I called the FDCC the other day and bombarded them with questions on what the plans are for the West, as usual getting any kind of response takes time and I don't blame them they do have bigger things to chew on their plate like FASHION WEEK!

I am dissappointed in the coverage of L'Oreal Fashion week, I hope this improves as the week goes on. I have not seen a full set of pictures of any designer that showed today, the National Post and Canadian Press have one photo of Bleddell and possibly a piece done by Melinda-Mae.
I know I am not one to talk as it takes me a million years to post photographs on Calgary Fashion but let us remember I am a one man team most of the time and I do maintain a full schedule at the college. Running around dealing with broadcasting issues, contributor issues, layout issues and poverty generally causes my delayed timing. However L'Oreal Fashion Week is a huge deal. Or maybe I just don't know enough photographers yet or maybe they are all too busy partying the night away in the razzle dazzle city.

Anyway, back to Joe Fresh, I believe this company should be watched closely.
Nevermind the fact that Superstore carries the label, the excitement in that is that there is enough for everybody.
Fashion is not about money it's about creating a piece of art work from what is available to you. It is about time that someone takes the approach to at least make a conscious effort to provide style to everyone who seeks affordable wear in this country.
The quality of Joe Fresh is another thing that is sure to leave you amazed. Not everything works but that is fine, Rome wasn't built in a day.

The shoe collection from Joe Fresh is rather broad, the extensiveness of it all shocks me. There were flats of various kinds, pumps of different manners, all for a very affordable price. Well not for me because i'm broke but seriously anybody can afford items from Joe and this is what I love. Flats are $24 and others range but nothing over $40.
Unfortunately their website doesn't show this, but when next you are in Superstore take a look. Tell me what you think.

The thing about comparing fashion in Europe to Canada is that it is all so available to the masses. Anybody can go out and buy a pair of Dior shoes in the sales as the store that carry them are EVERYWHERE. In many ways I believe socially, fashion in Europe is a little more open to the people than it is in Canada. In Holland, I notice the women are simple however when you walk past a lady of fashionable substance the shock factor is rather soothing. They carry themselves well with a sense of air and grace, unlike the North American trend of big flashy labels, Rock and Republic, Lululemon, Chanel (which i think has been bastardized in North America), Dolce and Gabbana, the list goes on.North American fashion or trends can sometimes be a little too harsh.
Joe Fresh is subtle and appeals to all.
I looked over the mens section as well, really good simple stuff, solid colours with a naval theme.
I am stocking up on Joe Fresh flats this summer.