The other day I was having a discussion about the lack of colored people on Mode Models website and the fashion world. I think Mode do a very good job of infiltrating the high fashion markets however do nothing for their models of colour specifically black models. Now this may not be entirely their fault as the fashion industry in itself can tend to exclude ladies of color even today. If Vogue America and other major fashion publications cannot get it right the rest of us have a long way to go.
The standards may be evolving.
Franca Sozzani the Chief Editor of Vogue Italia and her staff definately know whats up. This isn't a problem just in Calgary or Canada, this is a problem across the world.
American Vogue last fall showcased Chanel Iman and to be honest I did not feel it was enough of a representation. American Vogue always tends to showcase one major black model and we hear nothing of the rest. Chanel Iman has straight hair and is to be fair, light skinned. She is in no way similar to myself and I cannot relate.
Anna Wintour must be kicking herself in the shins right now as Franca Sozzani really is two steps ahead. With all the presidential campaigns and Obamarama could Anna be losing her touch of being in tune with what lies ahead?
America is on the verge of change and it's a little disturbing at how Sozzani is more aware than Miss Wintour.
Sozzani herself has always had the reputation of being the "bad mama jamma" of Vogue across the world, the work she has done with Vogue Italia has left people talking.
For July's issue of Italian Vogue, the magazine will feature and showcase black models in the industry. As they put it Vogue Italia July 08 will feature only black models, a first for any kind of mainstream fashion publication.
Rock On Sozzani! Rock On!
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