I love girls for their ever changing fashion.
They are usually the ones that always evolve their looks because there is so much out there for them! And my most recent obsession 's come in the form of two lovely ladies, Lady GaGa and Hanna Beth!
Lady Gaga has said in interviews she loves the Italians and how classy and futuristic their style is. She is also inspired by drag queens and also sticks to colors you can find in a diamond.
I really love her hair bow I think its adorable and I love how she is never seen dressed down. She lives,breathes and exudes fashion!
The lovely Hanna Beth lives in L.A and has a really great take on style. She mixes vintage with modern and she is always going to events all over Hollywood and loves fashion and as a model it seems to come natural to her.
These two are my muse's of the moment!
Check out more pictures and info about them at:
Hanna Beth
Lady GaGa