It is odd how topics concerning fashion and the environment are frequently paired with eye-rolling, perplexed expressions, and an air of dismissal. It is also odd how discussions concerning methods of how to mend our planet always seems so distant. It seems as though things are stuck, and no one seems to believe that we currently possess the intellect and technology to remove ourselves from our damaging ways. Fashion is not an exception. But why can't fashion be synonymous with sustainability? Is it because most design houses have shifted from exclusivity to mass-production? A fear of low-profit margins? We can theorize until we are blue in the face, as to why has fashion and the environment been made into a laughable subject, but it is important to know that there are changes being made.
The London College of Fashion and the University for the Creative Arts in the UK have added eco-fashion courses to their postgraduate lineup, Alexander McQueen's ballsy Fall 2009 RTW collection alluded to our disgusting rates of consumption, and Stella McCartney continues to be green and forces people to deal with it. It is hard not to ignore these small but not isolated acts of green in fashion.
What about in Canada? What are we doing that will lessen our carbon footprint in fashion? Surprisingly a lot. Here are some Canadian designers and companies that are green, sustainable, and just as cool. It is no surprise eco-fashion is on the rise, because it makes so much sense.
Linda Lundström: www.lundstrom.ca
Matt & Natt: www.mattandnat.ca
Five Left Leathers: www.fiveleft.ca
Evan Bidell: www.evanbiddell.ca
Linda Loudermilk: www.lindaloudermilk.com
Radway: www.radway.ca
Twigg and Hottie: www.twiggandhottie.com
Do you know of a designer or fashion company that offers sustainable clothing that is missing from this list? We know there are more out there, but we need your help! Above picture is from Linda Lundstrom's Fall '09 collection, all recycled materials.