The word on the street has been that Edmonton carries a certain je ne sais quoi when it comes to fashion. It has been reported on many occasions the home of the Oilers has more fashion conscious individuals than Calgary does, so Melissa and I went to see what all the fuss was about.
Nothing could prepare us for the amount of style presence Whyte Ave holds. The scenery may dwindle from store to store but when you hit the right spots, you hit the right spots.
Darren took us on a whirlwind of a tour and introduced us first to Bridget Smatlan.

Bridget is a designer based in Edmonton and exudes confidence and sweetness. She works out of her sweet, girly studio covered in lilac walls and photographs complete with hardwood floors and heavy machinery. Bridget's attitude towards her line of work impressed us the most. Very relaxed and confident as well as sure of a process that works for her.
Stay tuned for Calgary Fashion's interview with Fridget designer, Bridget Smatlan.