Songkla to be re-invented
After the sudden departure of Smyth&Kang last week, I was shocked and disappointed when I received a Facebook message from Tung Vo, informing me that Songkla would be closing it doors soon and to come by soon as they are having a 30%-70% off sale.
And while it's true that the racks and shelves would be cleared and the doors closed, it is only a temporary close.
While I tried on a few dresses, Tung explained that after they clear out the merchandise and close the doors for a month or so, they'll be re-opening as a studio as opposed to a retail store. With a new partnership in the making, Songkla will refocus their efforts to making their own clothing and selling it from their studio.
For myself, this is good and bad news. Not a streetwear type of gal, I nevertheless found a number of cute dresses at Songkla over the years and now I'll have to search for those same labels that Songkla carried elsewhere.
The good news for me is that Tung will be continuing making clothes, which means I can add to the two coats I have purchased and treasure. Both are items that I'll no doubt have for years to come and will continue to tell people where I got them.
I look forward to seeing what's to come in the next few months as Calgary's fashion landscape continues to change. But before they close the doors I strongly suggest you snap up whatever they have left before it's gone!
Top photo: Purple wool coat with high collar, made by Tung Vo. Photo by Devon Boulton-Mills
2nd photo: One of the dresses I bought on sale at Songkla - People's Market.
Songkla is located at #11, 718 17 Ave. S.W.