Summer Sale!
We apologize for the short notice but we were recently informed of an awesome sale that started yesterday and continues today and tomorrow.
Good Child Cartel is having a sale, here are the details!:
Tees - $15 each, 3 for $35
Hoodies/Jackets - $30
Polos - $20
Hats - $10
All Sizes for both Men & Women.
Friday - July 10:
2:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Former Rocket Location:
738 - 17 ave SW
Calgary, Alberta
(West of the Yardhouse on 17th ave)
Saturday - July 11:
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Former Rocket Location:
738 - 17 ave SW
Calgary, Alberta
(West of the Yardhouse on 17th ave)