Anyone who's known me for even five minutes can tell that I'm a jewelry freak... I don't think a day has gone by where I haven't donned a necklace of some kind, a wristful of bracelets, or my pearl studs- heaven forbid! To do so would leave me feeling, oh I don't know, somehow incomplete... I've sold jewelry, collected it (that's an understatement!) and even made my own, so I feel pretty confident in saying that when it comes to wicked jewelry, Pamela Love is boss. I mean just look at her- doesn't she look like someone you want to be buying jewelry from? This girl is obviously amazingly cool, and her designs reflect just that. I love the dark and edgy motifs she employs, from bleeding hearts and animal skulls, to claws and- my personal favourite- dagger rosaries. Sigh... this is definitely a designer I plan on adding to my collection!