Today I was in a rotten mood. Technically, I could blame this on the 28 day monster, but I think that I will blame it on that dang clear sky and sunshine. Hey -- 80 degree weather, quit trying to ruin my bad day. It's not going to happen. I've got sunglasses and cramps to cover you up.
Bad mood Tuesday almost threatened my outfit and photoshoot today. I was faking it as much as I could through the photoshoot till I finally said I was done. I figured if looked half as bad as I felt in the pictures then we should just stop all together. But thank the good Lord for my husband. Not only did he make me laugh all the way through but he only snapped when I was smiling and not during the sour face/complaining moments.
If you didn't notice, I didn't label my photos as usual. It was kind of pointless since everything I wore today was from Old Navy. Yes, even the shoes. I got my jacket last spring and my shoes last fall. But the belt and dress were recent purchases and come highly recommended.
Okay, you know what? I might be a paranoid schizophrenic. Yesterday I was so afraid of my dress being too short for work that I left at noon to put on pants. Today I wore an even shorter dress. Again, I'm blaming it on PMS and a messy cocktail of alcohol from swallowed mouth wash and extra-strength tylenol. I shouldn't have even drove today. Who knows what tomorrow may hold.
Someone left a comment saying they were confused about my job -- is it conservative or can i wear what I want? Well, I can see where your confusion might come from, dear reader as I too am confused. You see, there is little to no
known dress code BUT I work with a lot of older people (and by older, I just mean older than me) so I try to keep the lengths of my skirts and dresses appropriate just in case someone has HR on speed dial and has a secret personal vendetta against me or exposed knees. This is actually the first job I've had that I haven't gotten "the talk" from HR about the way I dress. So I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to skirts and dresses. I try not to push my limits, even though it's a bit of unknown territory. So let me put it this way: Everyone in my office dresses very conservatively (I'm normally the only person with pant-less legs. Gasp!) but I've never been told that I've offended anyone with the way I dress. Although, from time to time I get a few raised eyebrows. I just try not to toe that line, but if I do, I at least wear cute shoes.
You've just had a brief but schizophrenic look into the way I think. Scary isn't it?