yesterday's news


To whomever googled "compliments from co-workers" and stumbled upon my blog:
Why, hello. You will not find what you are looking for here, if in fact you are looking for compliments from your co-workers. I would suggest asking your peers face to face for compliments. It's easy to fish for compliments, just do what I do and drop hints as to what you want someone to compliment you on. Like your hair, say "I got my hair cut, isn't it great?" 99% of the time they will say yes and there you go. A compliment to put in your pocket.

Yes, someone actually googled "compliments from co-workers" and ended up on my blog. I bet he or she was so disappointed. "It's just some girl in a dress with a weird smile!" that's probably what they told their friends, who pondered as to what the search query brought. Well, whoever you are, you made my day and I hope you did in fact receive a compliment today. In case you didn't, you have pretty eyes.

So I wore this yesterday and not today. I'm just trying to keep things honest here on Kendi Everyday and I didn't want this to happen to me, if in fact we ever meet. B bought me this dress from anthropologie when it went on sale a while back. He's my little Anthrobot, I have him wired to watch for sales of my favorite items and then buy them for me. I even signed him up for emails and he's never once complained. Best man ever.

Anyways, I've worn this dress before but I wanted to switch it up a bit. Since stripes are so hot right now, I put on my favorite little striped shirt. I also added my new necklace that I received from sweet Courtney of Dolly and Boy Jewelry. It is made from recycled brass bullet shells. How cool is that? I once tried to make a belt out of old recycled bottle caps and I ended up looking like a crazy trash hobo. This girl is talented.

See more of Courtney's jewelry here.

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