Night Shots.


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Yes I'm still alive!
But in the last days - the last week - I was so busy working for upcoming exams. And I think that's not the end of it. :P 
In addition we found two little bunnies in our garden and my lovely BF! had the great idea to get them a new home!!! Soooo we caught them (not really, because they are so confiding) and put them in a cage for the night. Next day we bought some provisional things, like an enclosure for the garden. We are still not sure if they are cottontails, pet rabbits or hares ... the veterinarian predicted that there will be something big sitting in our garden soon. :D But as you can see - even the vet isn't sure about the race ... We will see! And if they emerge as something that's not like a pet rabbit, we will release them back into the nature. But now they are like ten weeks old and one of them has a biiiiig ascess on it's head, so we will take care of them for a few more days, maybe weeks and then decide what we're going to do with two little ones. :D

Ok and now something about the pictures:
Basically there isn't lot to say about them. I think these pictures were taken two weeks ago, I uploaded them a week ago on TinyPic, totally forgot (work & bunnies) them and yes finally they arrived on my blog for you. 
I had the idear to take them next to our new garden torches - bought in Antwerp :P at 'Walter Van Gastel'. It was the first warm day so I could wear my new flower dress with only a cardigan. I was holding a silver apple - a savings box, also bought in Antwerp at 'Walter Van Gastel', because I just unpacked it and filled it up and thought it would be a nice accessory for some pictures at night.

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Cardigan: DKNY / Dress: Bershka / Clogs: Zara / Necklace & Breacelet: Tiffany & Co.




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