30 for 30, again

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I'm so glad some of you want to join in on the fun. For the rest of you, don't count yourself out just yet! If you start to feel left out feel free to join in at any time. Maybe for you it's 25 for 25 or 15 for 15. Whatever works for you. Till then, I realize that I've picked up a few readers (Hello!) since the original 30 for 30, so for those of you who are new, here is what "30 for 30" means.

Last April, for the whole month I gave up shopping. To encourage myself to not shop I picked out 30 items and remixed them into 30 outfits, hence the name 30 for 30. It was tough, even grueling at times, but completely worth it. Worth it enough that I'm doing it again this summer, starting next Monday, July 5th. Along the way I learned a few things that might help you in your remixing, rather it be for this challenge or in your own closet everyday.

1. Be true to who you are. I'm not going to get all Dr. Suess on you, but I mean it. When I did my original challenge, I threw in more pants than skirts -- which is not me at all. So I struggled wearing all of those pants, when I really wanted to wear skirts. If you really like wearing skirts, throw in a few more skirts than pants, or vice verse. If it's cold where you are, throw in a few jackets or items to layer, etc.
2. Stay neutral towards neutrals. With the exception of a few things, most of my items in my last re-mix were neutral colors. I thought that it would be easiest to remix a more neutral based wardrobe, morever than a colorful one. This may be true to some extent but in the end all I wanted to wear was color. This time around, I've found it easier to pick out a few neutral tops and a few neutral bottoms but I also picked out a few wild cards with colors and patterns. (We'll see how it goes)
3. Limit the shoes. I know, I know -- what the what am I talking about? In my last challenge I had more shoes than I knew what to do with and I ended up only wearing a few of them. So pick your favorite heels, a pair of wedges, sandals, boots or flats and go with it. Trust me -- you'll need more tops and bottoms than shoes.
4. Plan ahead of time. I'm a bit of an over-planner and a list maker, which if you are a free spirit like my husband this aspect of me will drive you insane. BUT it's really helpful when it comes to planning out 30 outfits out of 30 items. I made a spreadsheet (I know, I know) that lists out all of my items and what I will mix them with. A spreadsheet may not be the answer for you, but planning ahead will take out the sting of the remixing.
5. Workout clothes, pajamas, etc. are not included. :) Of coures they are not forbidden either -- if you want to rock your gym shorts with some heels, who am I to judge?

And to those of you who are on the fence, I have one pro that might just tip you over: The amount of laundry decreses by 50%. In fact, I don't even remember doing laundry for the month of April. Who needs more of a prompt than that?

Now, there is one more thing that I'd forgotten when I started this challenge again for the summer: No shopping for 30 days. Conveniently, I forgot about that aspect of this challenge. But if you're in, I'm in. Plus, we've got a few more days before June 5th, right? Right??

I haven't posted my items yet due to an emergency trip to visit my parents. No worries -- everyone is fine. My parents were just getting sick of not seeing me so they bought us last minute plane tickets to come see them. I'll try to get my remix items posted early next week. Don't blame me, blame my mother.

One more thing -- don't worry about posting your outfits within 30 days. I wouldn't be so dare or brave to think that I could post 30 outfits in 1 month. I hope to be done with this challenge by the first of August, but again it's no rush. There are no time limits to fashion, my friends.

See a list of the remixers here. If you have joined in on the remix challenge feel free to place the banner below on your posts so others can play along as well.

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