I have a special price sale for this WEEKEND ONLY!

I have reduced to $50L gorgeous light pink boots and thrown in an outfit as GIFT for this weekend only!

New Outfit Release & $50L SALE continues on the 3rd floor.
New Color Boots $100L is almost over!

New Color Boots & New Fat Pack

A Note From The Canadian War Museum

Greetings to all Calgary Fashion readers,

If you have missed Tuesday episode, you can catch the encore presentation of Project Runway Canada’s first episode on Saturday, January 31, 9 p.m. ET/PT on Slice.

The very first challenge faced by the young competing designers was to create a groundbreaking garment out of camouflage fabric. Ms. Taiwo’s winning design will be exhibited in the Canadian War Museum’s upcoming summer exhibition, Camouflage, which starts on June 4. So if you happen to be in Ottawa, come check it out.

This exhibition explores the military art of concealment and deception, both as battlefield necessity and as artistic and commercial inspiration. It also shows how camouflage patterns have evolved into a phenomenon of popular culture, now as likely to adorn children or fashion models as it is to mask soldiers or battleships.

Jean-Philippe Deneault,
Canadian War Museum

Chanel Fashion Show

A model presents a creation by German designer Karl Largefield as part of his spring-Summer Haute Couture 2009 fashion show for French fashion house Chanel in Paris.

It's Factory Party Time!!!

Okay so here's the deal! We are beyond excited!!! The Modern Leisure's Factory Party 4 goes down tonight and you may have heard or you may not have heard but this time around the party has moved location from Artlife Gallery to The Uptown + The Marquee room!! Tickets sold out before we could say Warhol but here's the good news, extra tickets will be available at the door. For Calgary Fashion we are very excited to be a part of the Factory Party and have come up with a fashion installation that will be on display at the party tonight. Rumor has it that some of your pretty faces and funky outfits will be amongst our installation, did you make the cut??

Anyways fashionistas come one come all come get your picture taken!!! Work those outfits.

What will we be wearing?? I guess you'll just have to wait and see!

FACTORY PARTY #4 @ THE UPTOWN STAGE AND SCREEN – Warhol would be proud - JANUARY 30TH 2009

A showcase of emerging Calgary talent will present artworks, live bands, DJ's and performances. This interactive and slightly overwhelming exhibition is inviting all of those interested in culture and the arts to come have a good time and meet new people.


Featuring the musical soundings of

Sharp Ends
Thee Thems
Beija Flör

And DJ's

Teddy Celebration
Wax Romeo
Noah York City
Biz Cazh
Dan Solo
Sandro Petrillo
Kamil Krulis & Melyssa Nielsen

Factory Party #4
Friday January 30, 2009
The Uptown
612 8th Ave SW

9 pm doors
11 pm Special Screening

Tickets for this spectacular event can be purchased from The Uptown Box Office, and Giant 45.

Factory Party #4 Music, Performance, Art, Everything.

Factory Party Facebook Event

Photos courtesy of Randy Gibson


shoes, shoes... i love them. who doesn't?

pics from ourfashion.blog.hu

rekavago is hungarian shoe label. reka studied at london college of fashion, at bratislava art university and she finished her ma at moholy-nagy art university. in 2005 rega launched her own rekavago brand wit a ready-to-walk and a couture collection.


russian street style.... a lot of people have totally wrong picture about it.
here are some looks by russians wearing local designers ... and not only gucci, dior, D&G...
this times are over...

all pics: lookatme.ru

I <3 Paul Hardy

I met Paul Hardy about a year ago when my life was nothing more than broadcasting classes and journalism classes. At the time, I was losing my love for journalism as broadcasting is not my forté. The journalism program really is an intense degree but as I prepare to finish my last credit semester I think about all that I have learned and the people I have met because of it and I am grateful for the process. If it wasn't for the journalism degree I would have slept on my love for writing and photography as well as fashion!

Anyway, Paul Hardy is Calgary's most established designer. Hardy opened his atelier approximately 2 years ago and I must tell you that this is one of the highest local luxury boutiques that you will find in the city.

Forget about Holt Renfrow ladies, the Paul Hardy Atelier in Kensington is a nice small haven that allows for one on one time with the soft spoken designer. I love how special I feel every time I go into his store.
Hardy also provides an array of knitwear designs. I have been waiting for a long time to be able to purchase a knitwear piece from him and it finally happened yesterday.
It had been a while since I had been into the atelier but I caught wind of the Sample Sale that he will be having this evening through the ever styling Braydon (Thank you Braydon) from Jerome's. I had also heard that he was having a blow-out sale and I just had to rush down there!

I spent over an hour with Paul Hardy and I fell in love with a pea soup swirl wrap shrug (it is the same Grey shawl as the one in the second picture above). I love innovative designs that provide alternate ways to use a piece of clothing and this wrap is just that. Imagine a shawl with sleeves attached to the side. The possibilities are endless, I spent most of the afternoon playing with my new wrap-sweater and I am definitely pleased with my purchase especially with the sale discount of 50% off the original price!

This is what it looks like on me:

I cannot wait for this evening as Paul Hardy will be having a sample sale!!!!! Most of the women samples will be priced at $25 - $50 and all other stock including men's knitwear will be discounted at 75% off. It will be an evening of wine, cheeses and good conversations. So if you've ever wondered about Paul Hardy or ever dreamed of owning a Paul Hardy piece then this is definitely the evening to take a stroll down Kensington.

The Paul Hardy Atelier is located @ #4 - 1126 Kensington Road NW

Paul Hardy Atelier Website

Photos courtesy of Paul Hardy Atelier


E:be invites you to a presentation of its current collection xenogamy which will take place within the first creative metinée- salon on saturday 31st january from 3pm
how to get there:
torstrasse 173
vh 1.or
10115 berlin

$50L PixelDolls SALE! @Thalia's Fashion

$50L on ALL PixelDoll Items on the 3rd floor. This is a LIMITED SALE. ALl PixelDoll items are marked Modify/Transfer.

Dresses, Outfits, Hair & Men Wear located on the 3rd floor.


¿Cómo perfumarse?

Está bien que nos perfumemos, pero ¿dónde nos perfumamos? ¿Qué ropa perfumamos? ¿Dónde tenemos que vaporizar nuestra fragancia preferida para que deje un olor duradero y agradable?
¿Dónde aplicar el perfume?
En la piel Coco Chanel decía que nos tenemos que perfumar donde queremos que nos besen.
El perfume se pone, en primer lugar, en la piel.
De hecho, el perfume reacciona con el contacto de la piel y desprende una fragancia única a quien lo lleva. Con el calor, los perfumes exhalan sus olores. Por tanto, tienes que aplicarte el producto en los puntos en los que el cuerpo desprende calor. Es decir, en las zonas un tanto húmedas y cálidas del cuerpo como cuello, nuca, parte trasera de las rodillas, escote, tobillos, zona de los riñones, ombligo, detrás del lóbulo de la oreja, la parte interior del puño…
El aroma se desprenderá con cada palpitación del corazón.
También lo puedes aplicar en zonas móviles como las articulaciones: dejarás una estela con cada movimiento.
En el cabello: Aplica el perfume en las raíces, si tienes el cabello corto y, en las puntas, si lo tienes largo.
En la ropa: Claro que puedes perfumar tu ropa, pero no de cualquier manera. En primer lugar, tienes que saber que no todos los tejidos revelan los olores de la misma manera. Los tejidos naturales como la lana, la seda, la cachemira, el terciopelo, el algodón o el lino exhalan perfectamente los olores, pero no ocurre lo mismo con los tejidos sintéticos.
Cuidado con las manchas imborrables en la seda.
Para perfumar la ropa correctamente, vaporiza el perfume a una distancia de 10 cm.
El dobladillo de la falda, el foulard, y el forro de chaquetas y abrigos son las zonas que mejor retienen el olor.
No perfumes un tejido con varios productos diferentes. Si mezclas varios perfumes corres el riesgo de obtener un resultado final un tanto desagradable. Si cambias de perfume con frecuencia, evita perfumar la ropa. La fragancia de tu piel será suficiente.
Y también-Vaporiza el perfume delante de ti y sumérgete en la nube que se ha creado, que impregnará todo tu cuerpo. -No dudes en perfumar sábanas, almohada y armario.
Vaporiza un pañuelo y mételo en el bolsillo o en el bolso.

¿Cuándo perfumarse?La cacofonía olfativa del transporte público puede crear nauseas y migrañas por el fuerte olor. Por tanto, evita inundarte de perfume antes de coger el metro o de subirte al coche. Perfúmate una vez llegues al destino y no dudes en repetir la operación a lo largo del día. Es mejor que saturar el olfato de los que te rodean desde por la mañana ;)

Make up vintage

¿Cómo llevar a las uñas la última tendencia?¡Muy fácil! Te bastará con una manicura retro... ¿Cómo? Eligiendo uno de los dos colores que propone la colección de otoño de Dior Vernis. Dos tonalidades deliciosamente vintage: un rojo ébano y un violín místico, que completarán a la perfección tu look vintage de la temporada. ¿Por qué nos gusta?Porque es un esmalte infinitamente brillante, de larga duración. Completamente sensual. Argumentos más que convincentes para llevarlos este invierno...
Vernis Dior,
Precio: 20,59 €

Ideal para los amantes del vintage. Con ocasión de estas fiestas, Bourjois ha reeditado sus pequeñas cajitas redondas, nacidas en 1863. Las seis sombras de ojos y tres coloretes que componen esta colección están decoradas con ilustraciones de la firma de finales del siglo XIX, principios del XX. Deliciosamente retro.Bourjois ofrece también, en versión limitada, un cofre que guarda los principales tesoros de la marca: 3 coloretes y 5 sombras de ojos. ¡Irresistibles!
¿Por qué nos gusta?
Nos gustan tanto estas cajitas que no sabemos cuál elegir. ¡Las queremos todas!

Petites Boites Rondes Bourjois, Colección Vintage

Sombras de ojos: 10, 45 €
Coloretes: 11,35 €
Cofre Vintage: 100 €

Calgary's Adejoké Taiwo Raises The Bar!

PRC 2 aired the first episode of the season last night and viewers were thrown instantly into the nerve-wracking process of what it takes to make it as a fashion designer in Canada. The designers on the show are all up and coming with a few on the scene designers who have already began to create a name for themselves. For the other designers who are new to the scene, the show displayed the intensity of what lies at stake for any designer hoping to make it.

Unfortunately for two contestants last night, the show proved to be more of a challenge than originally thought. Last night we said goodbye to Jaclyn Murray, 26 from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Murray suffered a severe anxiety attack and after being rushed to receive medical attention, Murray decided to pull out of the show.

We also bid hopeful Danio Frangella, 33 from LaSalle, Ontario, whose health issues were a major concern for the promising contestant after a 7-year battle with cancer.

For the first challenge, the designers were ushered into the Canadian War Museum and set the task of creating a camouflage outfit to be displayed. “The idea was to create an outfit for the war museum that represented war and the goal was to create something inspired by the 1st and 2nd World War with an Asian influence ” said Adejoke Taiwo this morning.

Taiwo is Calgary’s winning designer of the first round, which protects her from elimination in the next round of the competition.

Taiwo’s dress received great appreciation from supermodel, host and judge Iman as well as her guest judges.

“I assimilated a mandarin high collar and the front of the dress has a shield detail. I used neutral colors to incorporate the camouflage theme,” said Taiwo on her winning design.

The dress definitely was an eye opener on the talent of the young designer and has pushed the competition to another level. Taiwo presented a high fashion piece that captured the essence of what fashion means and what Canadian fashion can present when faced with a challenge.

“I was really shocked actually, they didn’t show my expressions much last night but I was really surprised that they liked it so much…I used two materials, ultra suede and I think it was a stretchy knit,” said Taiwo.

Even with the short time provided and with the help of PRC2 mentor, Brian Bailey, Taiwo’s dress shone on the runway.

“When I found out we only had a couple of hours to make a dress I was kind of thinking why am I here? I can’t make a dress in two hours!” said Taiwo.

“Working with Brian is good, I’m happy to be on the show, I think Calgary will have a positive reaction to me. Everyone in Calgary is pretty nice and just to have a person from Calgary, the only one from Alberta on the show I feel like the Calgary audience will accept me and I don’t do anything malicious or mean so I think the viewers will be proud.”

To get up close and personal with Taiwo's craftsmanship and talent she will be featured at the 2nd annual Collectively Eclectic Legacies Show February 13, 2009 at MacEwan Hall.

What did you think of Taiwo’s dress?


Project Runway's Interactive Website! Designer Blogs Now Up!!!!
Article on Iman and her Project Runway designers.
Q + A With Project Runway eliminated designers.
Brian Bailey dishes some dirt on the Project Runway contestants.
Erin Balser's take on the PRC contestants!

Iceberg Primavera Estate 2009

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