Today I put together some mens outfits for a fashion shoot this weekend. One of the cornerstone outfits is a 3 piece suit from a line called Nom De Guerre. I pulled it from Gravity Pope Tailored Goods in Edmonton, this store is the destination for fashion North of Calgary.
Nom De Guerre is truly on another level and it is a real treat to have the opportunity in Alberta to add any of their pieces to your wardrobe.The next closest place to find them is Seattle...not that I'm adverse to traveling to the birth place of I mean grunge.
Just check out the inspiration for the 2009 Spring/Summer: "The "Storm and Stress" collection is an amalgamation of a range of influences resulting in the creation of an ideal expression of youth.
Corresponding to Sturmund Drang, the Spring Summer 2009 collection, combines history and myth in a free expression of extremes albeit, with the parameters of military ideologies and references.
The result is a mythic subculture of boys, untainted by the weight of reality that might prove adverse to idealism, who are instead, driven to extremes of character by a sense of hyper-idealism.
Therefore, the clothing is in actuality, a proposal for a uniform to outfit a conceptual regiment. The resultant Spring/Summer 2009, collection takes cues from early cavalry units and regiments of various European forces, blending these into an amalgamated uniform.
"The pieces of these proposed uniforms are fabricated in light blues and various grays, colors mimicking the horizon line; then, these base colors are set off by midnight blue and white, elemental colors of regimental dress clothing." ~NDG.
Stay wonderful my pretties.
Photos via Nom De Guerre website