The Mulleavy sisters and their whimsical goth designs captured my heart many moons ago... From their intricate knitwear resembling torn spiderwebs (derelict has never looked so good!), to their glamorous evening attire, this brand- along with its design duo- is so captivating that I can't help but love it (and them). The sisters studied at Berkley- one art history, the other English lit- before spending a year pent up in their familial home reading books about couture sewing and watching classic horror films... How rad is that? Then they worked odd jobs (one even sold her record collection!) to finance their first collection: a small, 10-piece offering that they took to New York in '05, dubbed Rodarte after their mother's maiden name. It wasn't long before Woman's Wear Daily caught wind of these two, which parlayed the Mulleavy's into the fashion world at warp speed. And the rest is, as they say, history...
Images courtesy of http://fashioncopious.typepad.com, http://www.shinystyle.tv and http://cruststation.wordpress.com