So it's no secret that my favourite decade is the 80's. Many a good thing emerged from this time period- spandex, the Breakfast Club, Madonna, neon everything, even crimped hair with teased bangs... and that's just to name a few. Music, fashion and movies were- in my humble opinion- at their pinnacle. OK, that might be an overstatement, but I'm trying to prove a point here people- the 80's were magic... And if you don't believe me, just look around you. This daring decade is constantly making a comeback, reimagined each time into sheer amazingness. From tuxedo blazers and subtle shoulder pads, to oversized headbands (thank you Marc Jacobs) and heck, even stirrup pants (yes, stirrup pants!), the 80's are everywhere. And each time I see elements from my beloved decade, it touches me... almost as though for the very first time.
Images courtesy of http://www.thefashionpolice.net and http://wesewfashion.wordpress.com