
What you are about to see is real. The pictures below have no pizzazz, glamour or makeup and have not been retouched. Just a tee shirt and a skirt. Names have been changed to protect the innocent and unshowered.


Over the weekend I did 3 things: 1) showered once 2) watched 4 movies and 3) realized that when you add an "i" to the end of "weekend" you basically get a tiny Kendi and a new title for weekend outfits.

When I woke up yesterday morning, I knew that it was not going to be a shower day. (And by no shower day I don't mean it was a bath day either. Just so we are clear -- there was zero hygienic acts against my body or hair yesterday.) We had nowhere to go except for the grocery store and I have no qualms about showing up to the grocery store in this. So a tee shirt and a knit skirt was my outfit of choice.

Excuse my influx of posts over the last few days. As you can tell, I'm ready to finish up my 30 for 30 challenge and move on to the lonely contents of my closet. Bryan keeps finding me just staring at the other end of my closet with lustful eyes. I tried an outfit on the other day (in preparation for when I can wear my other things) and Bryan said it was weird to see me in different clothes. I now have a new appreciation for my old things. Mission accomplished. Now can I have my credit cards back?

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