I must be completely honest with you guys -- I'm getting kind of tired of wearing the same things over and over. AKA I'm kind of a brat. I started this project to teach myself that I don't have to wear something new all the time. I don't need to buy something to be cute, I can be creative and still have a very on-trend outfit. It's just hard to break a lifelong habit of shopping in only a month. In fact, it may be impossible. My love for clothes and fashion goes back as far as I can remember. Four years old to be exact, I remember putting on a new outfit that wasn't a hand-me-down from my sister. Oh, feeling the excitement of something new, a feeling that never gets old.
My husband just rolled his eyes at me and then checked our bank account to see if I've been cheating on him with J.Crew. (I haven't but I almost did with Gap.)
So it's been raining for what feels like two weeks. More accurately it's been about a day and a half. I must say that with my shoe choices its been difficult to traipse through the mud and puddles with my heels, but I've made it through thus far without injury to my body or pride. Also, who knew that jumping in puddles for me was like riding a roller coaster for others? Look at the sheer terror on my face. Terror that is normally brought on solely by amusement park rides.

I definitely got some air. And then I dropped my flower pin in a big puddle.
That'll teach me to have fun.