Anthro and The Real Girl

How lovely is my skirt? I can not take full credit for the cuteness of this skirt for Kjrsten from Have a Cute Day bought it, wore it, decided it wasn't for her and put it up for sale on Friday. I bought it, she shipped it and I slept in it last because I love it so much. (Other items I love so much they sleep with me: my phone, my husband, Lucky magazine, and a chocolate bar with almonds -- because you just never know.)

I realize that lately I have been flooding my outfit posts with items from Anthro, so I know what you may be thinking. A) She's rich B) She's a liar C) There is no way she is for real. Well my friends, none of those options are true. I am not rich, I am not a liar (fingers crossed) and I am, in fact, for real. And by real, I mean really good at finding Anthropologie items on sale. I have found the best Anthro in the world that hordes all of the good product until it goes on sale and then I they tuck away my sizes and I magically find them when I show up unexpectedly. That or I find people online who sell it secondhand. Or I mug people who are wearing it. Okay I dabbled in anthrobbery once or twice, but I've changed my ways after I served time in a messy Sears dressing room.

In all seriousness though, if there is one thing I believe in it's the sales rack and a good bargain. (Ok so that's two things I believe in. Oh and math! That's 3) I almost get annoyed nowadays if I have to buy something full price. In fact most of the time (with Target and Forever21 as exceptions) I don't buy anything at full price. Sure I've missed out on a few items, but I've found that if you wait even just a month or two, your husband will be astounded by how disciplined you are and he will let you buy more things because of all the money you saved.

After all, money does not grow on trees. It grows on husbands and second jobs.

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