"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles." — Audrey Hepburn
I thought I would share with you all this beautiful quote that I stumbled across. I am going to print it off (in pink no less) and stick it on my giant notice board in my room which I cover in photos of friends and family, tickets from cinema, theatre and gigs trips, badges, postcards of paintings and photos I like from magazines. It's basically a mood board of me and I love it.
Anyway back on topic to my favourite designer Pre-Fall 2010 collections which I am currently obsessed with...
In at number one- MIU MIU.
Miuccia Prada's latest collection with Miu Miu is very Blair Waldorf. That touch of class and conservativeness, with the buttoned up coats and the over the knee socks mixed with the flirty- just look at those girly pink heels.
I am in love. Usually I find animal prints, particularly leopard quite garish (probably because I see so many people in Primark leopard print mini dresses) that I had forgotten how it can be done so well with the right fabrics and subtlety.
Also I am a sucker for a big comfy coat and woolly mittens so this collection was always going to have me pining after it.
And the number 2 spot goes to- MOSCHINO CHEAP AND CHIC.
The last time I planned my dream Halloween get up I fantasised about being an evil (yet fabulous looking) witch in Balmain but now I would wear that amazing bunny tail dress.
The Moschino Cheap and Chic secondary line always has a touch of cheek to it and this one was no exception with "VIP" and "MRS" scrawled across lots of the tees and dresses as well as a big sprinkling of sequins and lashings of feathers.
So my new 'moneys-not-an-issue' fancy dress costume would definitely be that lovely black bunny tailed number, with a pair of Louis Vuitton A/W 2009 bunny ears to top it all off, natch.

And finally my third favourite collection goes to- MATTHEW WILLIAMSON.
(Yep it's not a secondary range- shock horror!)
It's my year 11 leavers ball coming up (marking the end of my compulsory education- woop woop!) and the looks on the left or the right would be ideal for the occasion.
And the fact that I could never afford them just makes me lust after them even more (apologies to my old embellished Lipsy dress which I am wearing. You just can't compete with them)
Do you agree with my choices?
Beth Ruby xoxo