Barbie Dolls, Art, and Other Misc. Things

So I call this my 'museum curator' outfit. I've worn it a few times before (different variations) to the office without blogging it. Do you feel betrayed? I bet you thought I went without clothing on the days that I didn't blog. That's only half true, my friends.

For some reason I always put different occupations with my outfits. I have the professional, the rocker, the cool professor. And this one, the museum curator. I don't know why I think that this is a curator outfit, it most likely is not. But there is something free and creative about this, which I guess in my mind equals curator. Maybe it's the influence of playing with Barbie dolls for 14 years. (Yeah, I played with Barbie's till I was 14. My husband knew this and still married me.) It's like I created these false ideas in my head that an outfit defined an occupation. But after working in the professional world for a few years now, perhaps Barbie wasn't too far off with that philosophy. I mean doctors have uniforms, right? But maybe there should have been a few tweaks in the line up. Perhaps Casual Friday Barbie with stirrup pants and an oversized t-shirt from a 1993 fun run. Or the Not My Job Barbie who wears crocs with jean capris and a crazy Hawaiian button-down, so you never know quite what she does all day at work. I don't think that I ever played with the museum curator Barbie, but I did have a McDonald's Fun Time Barbie complete with a McDonald's drive thru. I'm not even kidding you, she had a uniform, headset -- the whole shebang. This is what dreams are made of, people. Well at least my 10 year old dreams.

Looking back, I'm okay with the way things turned out. I've learned that it's not realistic to think that every outfit will come with a new job, coordinating accessories and an oversized hairbrush. And although I never got to live out my barbie doll dreams of becoming a doctor, a lawyer, a princess fairy, a gymnast, florist or aerobics instructor, nothing stops me from dressing like someone else's profession from time to time. Today a curator, tomorrow an astronaut. You see? Dreams can come true.


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