In the time I was doing nothing, I get this very nice award!

I get it from +
3 in one, I really like it, thanks girls! You can check out their blogs, they're nice (:
Well, if you win this award, you have to tell 7 facts about yourself. And I will do that for you:
1. I'm addicted to my laptop, I can't live 1 day whitout it, I know, it's not good but I just can't! When my internet doesn't work, I have my iPhone, so I'm always on the net, only on vacations I don't. I just love it! There are so many blogs to love, inspring sites where you can get nice pics, online shops, gossip, i just looove it!
2. I love reading, I love it when I'm sitting in the caugh ore on my bed on a rainy day with the rain on my window to read a book, I love to read about history, chicklits, everything! They give me a happy feeling (: (When it's a happy ending, though.)
3. I'm happy. I'm happy in what life gives me, with my firiends / family / boyfriend / school. I'm a life enjoyer to the top!
4. I love to ride on my bike without any idea where I'm ending, when it's a good day and the sun is shining, me and my boyfriend are taking our bikes out the barn and just drive anywhere! The world is beautiful and you have to see the most of it I think (:
5. I love the smell of rain in the summer, it makes me happy. The smell is a little bit weird, but so lovely. (This might be sound a little bit weird too, haha)
6. I am a series addicted one, I'm looooving the serie; The Vampire Diaries. It's so good, seriously! I just love the story behind, and the cast as well (Ian!). I love Pretty Little Liars and Gossip Girl to. I just love hanging around and watch series like these with my friends.
7. I love photography, even if I don't have a nice Canon or Nikon in my pocket (yet!), I love it. Now I'm save money for the Canon 1000D. I hope it's mine soon!
And that were my 7 facts!
The second thing you have to do is to nominate 7 other bloggers. Here we go!
The second thing you have to do is to nominate 7 other bloggers. Here we go!
Fieuw, I'm done. It was a lot of work haha! Hope you liked it (: For questions you can contact me (let me know).
P.S: I finally received my H&M order! Yay (: You guys will see the pictures later, so stay tuned!
PP.S: This was my 50th post (: (50 posts, 50 followers, haha!)

ph from weheartit