Style Woes

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I guess I shouldn't have named this post style "woes" as that seems a bit dramatic. It's just that I've been trying to think of new ways to wear this pretty skirt that I got on the cheap. But it's surprisingly hard to style. But does that stop me from trying? Ohhhh no. Only velour sweatsuits with words on the butt and fluorescent high-tops stop me. Dead in my tracks.

T-minus two days and I'll be at Disney World. And I have no idea what to wear. Ask me what to wear to a job interview, I can tell you that. A first date, an engagement party, or heck even prom. But if you ask me what to wear to a giant amusement park in the dead of winter, this is most likely the face you will get:

That's me grunting/thinking. It's not pretty when I think, people. I pretty much don't own anything other than the clothes you see me wear here, so it's about to get awkward up on this family vacation. And you better believe that I'm going to take outfit photos. I'd have it no other way. 

(Oh wait, I can just style up my velour sweatsuit and high tops. I've been waiting for an opportunity to wear those closet gems and here it is. I'm coming for you, Orlando.)

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