What Goes Around

{Shop: Jeans, Boots, Lipstick-- It Girl}

When my mom and I would shop together, she would talk about all of the styles that she used to wear that are now back in. We'd walk into Forever21 and I'd see a cute outfit and she'd say "that is so 80s" and then reminisce about giving herself a perm. I scoffed at her old age, until now. Until these jeans -- I swear I had jeans like this in 8th grade. And now they are back in style. If only I would have saved those jeans and not hit puberty, I could have saved a couple of bucks. I wonder if 4-inch sole flip flops will come back in or denim bucket hats with fake sunflowers attached? One can only hope. 

I wore this outfit yesterday and forgot to post it. I also woke up at 2:30 am remembering that I did not write or post the last part of my Working Closet series and I never got around to posting this outfit or eating dinner. I also remember about 50 other things that were supposed to get done this week and have not. If my brain could talk, this is what it would say:

That's silence because she's asleep. This week has been bananas, B-A-N-A-N-A-S. So thank you for sticking it out with me. I can't promise that next week will be better but I'm at least hoping for an apples or oranges kind of week. And more outfit posts. See? Next week is already looking up. 

Also -- side pony tails are still cool right? 

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