Gal Friday

{Shop: TeeSimilar Jeans, Bag, Heels}

If a days of the week had outfits, this would definitely be Friday's outfit. Boyfriend jeans + easy tee + random vest + nice canvas bag that makes me look like I'm carrying large, important documents even though really I'm carrying a bag of Corn Nuts and a laptop. That my friend's is a Friday outfit. Except with one correction: husband jeans, not boyfriend jeans. I'm a married woman after all. 

Our plans this weekend? We've got a wedding to shoot and I've got a bed to sleep in. Other than that, my schedule is wide open...for naps. And Corn Nuts. 

(PSSST: Get 30% off a single regular priced item at Francesca's when you use the code "KENDI" at checkout. From 5/16 until 5/31)

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