CF: We're sure it must have been nerve racking to be in front of the camera's all the time.
BD: It was definately interesting.
CF: So we're sure the question you must have been asked several times now is did you really not know who Yves Saint Laurent was?
BD: I knew who he was, because obviously clearly i've heard of him many many times before, they made it out to look like I didn't know who he was. It's not that I didn't know who he was I just didn't know his style. I knew he did the colour blocking and different aspects but I really didn't know, I've never really followed him from collection to collection, thats why I was kind of off.
CF: Tell us a little about yourself, when did you first know that being a fashion designer was the path you would take?
BD: Honestly, I didn't decide to pursue fashion until the end of high school in grade 12, I took it for a semester, I really really enjoyed it because up until then I was going to be a plastic surgeon so I decided to switch where I was going to go to school and decided to take fashion design instead and I think it was a good decision.

CF: So you wanted to be a plastic surgeon?
BD: (laughs) I still have the want to do that but I think i'm going to put that on hold for now!
CF: You said you had applied before and the judges didnt pick you for the last Project Runway show, so what do you think you did differently to be on the show this time around?
BD: Well I was still in school when I applied the first year and I think if I had gone on the show I would have had to drop out which I think might have played a part I think but maybe they thought I wasn't ready they wanted to give me more time and experience so when I applied again I had accomplished so much in the industry. The industry was basically attacking me so I made a name for myself. I think they thought this time hey this boy clearly knows what he's doing so lets take him on!
CF: You say the industry had already been attacking you whats going on with that?
BD: Well there's been so much interest in me, Flare magazine labeled me as one of the fashion designers to watch out for in 2008 same with Fashion Television they did a story on me talking about how I am the new up and coming designer in Canada and there has just been a bunch of things. Which, is why I really havent had much of a collection because I've been so all over the place with the industry.

BD: Oh yeah the house was fun, the designers were a blast, we didn't get to spend so much time socializing at the house but the times we did have together, we made the best of it.
CF: So you and Margarita....tell us about that!
BD: Well it's really interesting how that worked out because I had originally seen her sketch, I came over when I was going to iron one of my garments and I saw that our sketches looked very similar, so I pointed that out and I was like oh no we can't have the same garment walking down the runway you know it's not not good. So I pointed it out and I was like okay i'll change mine and then later on she decides to attack me which didnt make sense because I was the one that pointed it out to begin with. I realised this and changed that and when she made a big huffy and puffy about it I was like yeah I already changed my design. It just made more drama for the ratings! They need that I guess.
CF: What was it like working with Iman?
BD: She's a very nice lady, she's pretty intimidating but she is a really sweet genuine person.
CF: What are you up to now?
BD: Working on my fall winter 09 collection I'm launching it next month!
CF: Do you feel that the show has given you more exposure?
BD: I think it's opened my name up more to the masses, the fashion industry already knew who I was which is great but to really make a name for yourself people need to be talking about you more so than just the people in the fashion industry, so I think that had a huge impact. I havent noticed too much of a difference but it definitely helped!
CF: What is your advice to other young designers dreaming of runways and bright lights?
BD: Basically, first of all make sure that it is exactly what you want to do because if you do not have passion you will not make it. You have to have the drive and work on it 24/7 because many of my fellow graduate friends are doing absolutely nothing because they are just like it's too tough and they give up way too soon. So if that is your dream then go to school for it, learn the basics that you need to know going into the industry and just keep working at it and push push push!
CF: Have you stopped taking smoke breaks?!
BD: *laughing!* uhhh no! I still have smoke breaks but I try to limit them a little bit!

CF: Do you feel that time was your number one enemy on the show?
BD: Yeah because normally I do alot of hand detailing so actually the last challenge where we had more time to do something more couture was more up my alley but then again I didn't get to do evening wear which is where I put my effort. I was pretty upset about that last challenge actually because they said our garments weren't couture but actually they really are.
But time plays a huge aspect in the whole thing.
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Brandon R Dwyer Facebook
Photos courtesy of Brandon R Dwyer+ Canwest Media
BD: I think it's opened my name up more to the masses, the fashion industry already knew who I was which is great but to really make a name for yourself people need to be talking about you more so than just the people in the fashion industry, so I think that had a huge impact. I havent noticed too much of a difference but it definitely helped!
CF: What is your advice to other young designers dreaming of runways and bright lights?
BD: Basically, first of all make sure that it is exactly what you want to do because if you do not have passion you will not make it. You have to have the drive and work on it 24/7 because many of my fellow graduate friends are doing absolutely nothing because they are just like it's too tough and they give up way too soon. So if that is your dream then go to school for it, learn the basics that you need to know going into the industry and just keep working at it and push push push!
CF: Have you stopped taking smoke breaks?!
BD: *laughing!* uhhh no! I still have smoke breaks but I try to limit them a little bit!

CF: Do you feel that time was your number one enemy on the show?
BD: Yeah because normally I do alot of hand detailing so actually the last challenge where we had more time to do something more couture was more up my alley but then again I didn't get to do evening wear which is where I put my effort. I was pretty upset about that last challenge actually because they said our garments weren't couture but actually they really are.
But time plays a huge aspect in the whole thing.
Brandon R Dwyer Website
Brandon R Dwyer Facebook
Photos courtesy of Brandon R Dwyer+ Canwest Media