Last year, we saw fashion try to "embrace" the black community with Vogue Italia's all black issue! It was embraced by some and destroyed by others.
The world may feel like the color issue is at bay now with all the hoopla over president Obama but for people like myself and other members of the fashion community, color comes into play in many ways. Shocking? For those of us experiencing it not really for others that don't have to deal with it, ignorance is bliss.
There seems to be this belief that just because Obama is the president of the United States, people of color around the world are being treated fairly. This thought process does not mean that industries especially the fashion industries around the world have gotten rid of their prejudices.
In Canada alone or in Calgary, the city and province of Alberta provides the fashion world with some major models eg Heather Marks, but it's interesting to see that black models in the city can barely get a break even with the "change in direction" or so you would think of the fashion model market. It's also really funny because Calgary has a large Sudanese community who are famous for being tall regal beauties who provide fashion with an alternative look of the norm. The Native community also holds women of great bone structure and height, so where are these groups of people represented in Calgary and Canada? I'm not sure what the scene is like in Toronto but i'm guessing it has been rather difficult for black models or models of color to strut their stuff on the runway or in the Canadian fashion scene in general.
The hype of black models or even a Canadian Native model hasn't really been news that I have heard much about in Canada, different in the States, but do you know who these models are?
The hype of black models or even a Canadian Native model hasn't really been news that I have heard much about in Canada, different in the States, but do you know who these models are?

Can you name one famous Canadian model of color other than the well established and popular Stacie McKenzie and Yasmine Warsame?

Who is Diandra Forrest?
Does being black only mean you are American now?
Who is Stacey McKenzie?
Stacey McKenzie Official Website
Is Facehunter racist?
Photos courtesy of The Fashion Spot