april showers

So I must tell you it wasn't really raining yesterday. It was more of just a mist that lasted all day. This mist also did not call for an umbrella but I, like Rihanna, could not resist. (Ella, ella, ella....eh eh eh....)

I know what you are thinking. One blazer, two days in a row?? You must be crazy! I am crazy, so crazy that I didn't even launder it before re-wearing it. I live life on the wild side. I'm not even wearing deodorant either. And by wild side I mean I smell like a jungle. This blazer should probably just be thrown away by the time my outfit project is over. Stinky.

So I almost broke my 30 for 30 rule -- I wanted to wear my boots with this get-up, as I do love shorts with boots. I even went so far to put them on when my husband walked in and asked what I was doing. Then he reminded me that my readers may not appreciate me lying and cheating to their faces. So I took them off and set them aside for later. And by later I mean I'll probably sleep in them tonight.

Bad news -- tomorrow is Monday. Good news -- I'll announce the giveaway winner tomorrow!
Bad news -- only 12 more hours till I have to be at work. Good news -- only 5 more days till the weekend. Let the countdown begin.

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