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I wish I could tell you how awkward it was to take these pictures. Wish granted, I'll tell you.
My husband decided to break bad news to me 5 minutes before we started to take pictures, using the phrase "Oh, I forgot to tell you..." If you ever hear this phrase, run because what follows is never good news.
If there is one thing you should know, its that I'm right handed and a problem solver. I hate problems, I love solutions. But when presented a problem with no solution I literally start to break down. I think B forgot that I function much like a robot and when something inside malfunctions I begin to smoke. After freaking out for 10 minutes and yelling at him (my only solution at the time), we decided that it was in fact picture time. The weather was beautiful (muggy and grey) and we picked the perfect location (very crowded park). I also wore the perfect shoes (tiny heels) for an old worn down path (road made of mud and debris). It was turning out to be the perfect shoot.
And to top it all off -- I felt fat and my outfit was all wrong. Talk about the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae you shouldn't have eaten at lunch that day. Needless to say, the last thing I wanted to do was take pictures and post them for the world to see. But I started this 30 outfit thing and can't stop now, so we took the pictures. This blog has become a great part of my life. At first it was just a guest on the couch, but now she has her own bedroom. So I threw in some fake smiles just for good measure and we were on our way.
Those poses up there have a name, by the way. They're called "awkward frustration" and I was rocking the look well.
The good news is that was yesterday, our problem found its solution, I woke up feeling skinnier, and I wore different shoes with a much wider heel. The other good news is we are just a few short weeks away from our first vacation of the year. I say first because I hope for many more. My glass is half full -- of frequent flyer tickets that I hope to cash in by the end of 2010.