like a boss


I must stop posing by this house or you all will start to think that I live there. I don't think anyone lives there actually, well so we hope. It looks condemned and there is always something else broken or another shingle that has fallen off every time we drive by. Which is a lot, as we are in the market. That's right, the market for a crack house.

I wore this yesterday to work. Casual Friday indeed. I ended up dressing just like my boss -- who is a dude. Nice blazer, button down, jeans -- he has good taste I must say. And we sat by each other at the department meeting. Such luck I have. Of course we were wearing different shoes. His wedges were black.

Well I'm off to support my husband in mowing our grass. Then I will support him on fixing me dinner and bringing me some wine. Oh and don't mind me, I'll just be tidying things up a bit on my blog. Pardon if things happen to look a little wonky for a while.

Happy weekend, darlings.

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