weekend wear

So this outfit is from this weekend and numero tres of my 30 day challenge. (I'm bilingual, did you catch that spanish?) It was absolutely gorgeous on Saturday, total shorts or should I say jorts weather. The temperature got up in the 80s on Saturday. It was the perfect day for bumming around with friends. Of course I won't be singing this tune in August when it's 105 degrees, I'll be cursing Texas weather and my decision to continue to live here. Until then, rock on spring weather.

You know when you have a really good weekend that you don't want to end, so you stay up way too late on Sunday night hoping Monday won't really come around? That was our weekend, and I'm paying for it now with over-caffienated yawns. B and I went to visit our bmff (best married friends forever) in Austin over the weekend. I'm pretty sure all we did was eat and laugh. In that order. Whoever came up with the idea of the 5-day work week, never experienced a weekend like that.

So it turns out that it's extremely easy to pack when you only have 30 things to choose from. What a deal. Honestly, the real reason I'm doing this is so I don't have to do laundry for a whole month. Wait, that's not right is it?

PS -- Holy Cow on the giveaway response! Keep 'em coming, you've got till Friday :)

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