she's got skillz

This is my "i like to confuse old men into thinking that I'm pregnant so that they will hold doors open for me and let me cut in line" shirt. Works like a charm.

Except for when I wore it to Starbucks and instead of just tugging on old men's heart strings, I attracted them with my laptop. I had a man ask me if I could help him out with his home computer. "If you're good with computers, I could get you a lot of work around here. Everyone's computer is broken!" he exclaimed. And by everyone he meant his nursing home neighbors and by computers he meant 10-year old Dells. I sweetly declined and pushed my sympathy baby out a little further until he opened the door for me. Some days you win, some days you lose and some days you end up at a Starbucks just whoring out your computer skills and non-existent child.

I got my shirt for $9 everyone. Applause accepted. Golf claps though, I don't want to wake up the baby.

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