Home Again

Truth: I actually wore this yesterday, and what I posted yesterday I wore the day before. Today I went naked, but with a blazer of course. No matter what I'm office appropriate, always.

Wow. I've got to stop with the maudlin posts. You guys are going to start sending me flowers and singing telegrams to cheer me up. Wait a minute -- that sounds kind of nice. Could you maybe throw in a back massage too? I'm feeling down again..

So let me show you around our house. This is my couch. That is my dining room. And that blank wall over there used to have a fine collection of plates before they fell off the wall to their untimely demise. After putting 500 holes in the wall to hang 500 things, we later found out that our walls might have been made out of paper. That's just a guess, I've yet to throw water on the walls to see if they melt.

But we love it, paper walls and all. Home sweet rental.

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