special outfit post

Heute zeige ich euch einen Outfitpost in Videoformat. D.h. , dass der Film, den ihr euch hoffentlich anschaut, keine wirkliche Handlung hat. Es geht nur um das Outfit, was mir total gefällt. Ich liebe einfach dieses Poncho ähnliche Häkelteil :)
Wie gefällt's euch?
Today I show you a special outfit post. It's a video outfit post. This means that the movie ,you'll hopefully watch, has not a action. It's just about the clothes I wear. To this outfit I can say that I really love it. This is such a legere and stylish outfit, I thinl. And I love the knitted ponch look-a-like. Do you like it?
tights: Tchibo :)
shirt: my moms
poncho look-a-like: my moms
my dog Lilo

run run run from Diana z.L. on Vimeo.

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