I love Crystal Renn and what she's doing for the plus size model industry. In my opinion I think that big girls will never really be welcomed by the fashion industry. If the all the high street shops who cater to "normal" girls don't cater to a larger size, then why would haute couture? That's why I think it was a BRILLIANT idea to show Crystal in clothes that a bigger girl can wear. Like clothes from H&M, Dorothy Perkins, and Evans. Even if the ones from Evans did swamp her at times.

This is my favourite outift from the shoot. The aviator jacket I have my eye on the website day to day waiting for this. I've seen others in Next and Dorothy Perkins that fit and I have tried on but I want to see this one! The dress is also lovely, I love the pale colour and the gold detailing it adds an autumnal feel to it, aswell as the black rocker belt sexing it up.
Another thing I really like about the shoot is that it really was about the model and the clothes, rather than the surroundings. I think doing the plain white backdrop was really clever, as all I could look at was Crystal, and all I wanted to look at was her really!
What do you think about the shoot?
Anyway that was a pretty serious post for me! I need to go and read my joke book now to crack a smile!

Oh to be that woman with that body, bitch.
(I just wanted to post a link to the brilliant La Cara's Blog as she has all the photos and some behind the scenes photos as well, because she is on the ball!)