Die Socken erinnern mich sehr an den Stil von Gossip Girl. Und den roten Lippenstift habe ich spaßeshalber noch auf meine Lippen gemacht.
Leider sind die Bilder nicht so toll, weil es geregnet hat. Ohh und wie gefällt euch das letzte Bild. Ich habe es am Sonntag gemacht. Auf dem unteren Teil sind meine neuen zeitschriften zu sehen :)
This outfit is kind of a geek-look. And I really like this. The shirt is a vintage Ralph Lauren piece from Paris. I wore it as a dress. And the slipover is very old. I think that this slipover is the key-piece of this geeky-style. Becuas if you would were jsut the shirt the outfit would look like you just came home from your boyfriend's.
The socks and the kitten heels are inspired by Gossip Girl and they boost this geek-look.
Oh and sorry for the bad pictures. It was raining. Ohh and do you like the last picture? You can see my new magazines on it :)
shirt:Ralph Lauren
slipover: don't know
socks: old Adidas
shoes: Clarks
lipstick: Rival de Loop (17)
bag: my moms