Nun noch etwas zu meinem Turban. Am Freitag habe ich mir mal ein Youtube-Turban-Tutorial angeschaut und so entstand dieser Turban, den ich mit einem Haar-Accesoire aus dem Primark aufgeppt habe :) Gefällt's euch?
Yesterday I wrote that I visited Primark and I bought this cool pants there. They look a little bit like a skirt but I really like them. The bag is also from Primark and I love it so much. It's just so furry :) Ohh and I don't want to forget to wtite about my turban. On Friday I watched a turban tutorial on youtube and this is my result. I pimped the turban with a hair Accessoire from Primark. Do you like it?
pants,bag, hair accessoire: Primark
shoes: Görtz
vest:New Yorker