Seeing Spots


No no, you aren't seeing spots. I am just wearing dots on my top half and my bottom half. Unless you are actually seeing spots, then you should lie down, take two pills of something and call me in the morning. I'm not actually a doctor, but sometimes I like to introduce myself as such. People are always amazed at how young I am to be a doctor.

So dots on dots, your thoughts? Too much? Just right? Does the dot to dot ratio matter? What about the size of the dots in comparison to the other dots? And then there is dot concentration, dot opacity, the coloring of dots. These are the questions that keep me awake at night. That and what's the meaning of life. But mostly the dot to dot ratio thing. That's a tough one.

Tonight I'm a bit light on the words. I always run out of words on Mondays. I tweeted earlier tonight that I had blogger's block (a rare form of writer's block) and wondered if ice cream would cure it. Well friends, the verdict is -- inconclusive. I'll let you know after a few more pints.

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