Keira on Why I Remix


"I have a chronic bank-account-degenerating condition characterized by a nagging, insatiable need for new stuff. Even with a closet full of brand new clothes, I often find myself standing in my closet with that all too familiar feeling of having nothing to wear. I think to myself, “if I just had [insert item of the moment] my closet would finally be complete and I’d never need to shop again.” But shortly after splurging on that missing piece, I discover another “must-have” and the inner-monologue-and-subsequent-retail-binge cycle starts all over again.
Why do I remix?
To prove to myself -- and others with similar too-much-is-never-enough infirmities -- that having great style doesn’t require a wardrobe stocked to the gills with brand new items... To learn to put down my credit card and reprogram my out-of-control shopping habits... To stop identifying my style by the number of times I repeat an outfit... And most important (this is where remixing gets deep): to take time out to appreciate the abundance in my life… both in my closet and beyond its doors."

If you haven't already, find Keira at A Pretty Penny and follow along in her style adventures.

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