This was a big week.

This week something monumental happened. My husband and I celebrated 5 years together (not married, just together) on the 17th. In our usual unromantic form, we remembered at the last hour, kissed and said "happy anniversary. I didn't get you anything, did you? No? Oh good." Oh and I was named Blogger of The Moment by Modcloth on the very same day and now there is a dress named after my blog! Cool, right? I asked my husband if he thought 5 years ago if I'd ever have a dress named after me and he said "no, not anything against you, but no." So there you go. Five years together and I'm still surprising him. 

Stop by if you want to read my (goofy) interview answers and see the Kendi Everyday dress. I wanted them to name it Bloggy Style but they insisted on Kendi Everyday. (I'll style up the dress after the 30 for 30. Not even a namesake dress can break the rules. I am hardcore.) 

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