Und ich denke, dass die Glitzerstrumpfhose und das Glitzershirt durch das biederhafte Strickkleid nicht so auffallen. Ich hoffe es gefällt euch :)
Ohh und schaut euch unbedingt die Zeichnungen an, die Lini von Schanh Diu Fashion von mir gemacht hat.
Ich füle mich richtig geehrt :) Link
Today's outfit is a mix out of a geeky-look and a party-look- Actually I wanted to creat an outfit inspired by Christopher Kane but I didn't find anything in my wardrobe and so I visited my moms wardrobe but she didn't have stuff looking like sth. from Christopher Kane either but I found this great pink sparkling shirt :)
And I think that the sparkling tights and the sparkling shirt don't attract so much attention because I mixed it with this vintage dress. I hope you like it :)
Ohh and check out the illustration Lini from Schanh Diu Fashion made of me. I feel so honored :)
dress: from a SecondHand store
shirt, tights: my moms ( but I think now they're mine)
bag:Vintage (Paris)
black rose: Sixx