Have a Seat


So for the second installment of "Well, well, well what do we have here?" Bryan and I found some chairs. Just two attached chairs sitting at the top of a near empty parking garage. If that doesn't spell out style blogger photo-op heaven, I don't know what does. So then I played a game of how many ways can I sit in this chair. 76 was my final number. I'm only showing you 3 because some of those 76 ways are not lady like and are probably not safe for work.

Bad news, I think I'm getting sick. I have a sore throat and the aches. Plus, it's been a while since I've been sick and I really like being waited on. So I'm going to try to milk this sore throat thing for a while, at least until my husband threatens to leave me.

Anyone have any home remedies for sore throats? I think that I'm on the edge of overdosing on zinc and vitamin c (my hands are glowing, thats bad right?) so I guess the next step is surgery. That is unless you guys have any tips for me.

You see what I did there? I made you wait on me, just like my husband will when he gets home. B -- if you are reading this, I'm kidding.*

*Not kidding.

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