It's Nice to Meet You


{Shop: Tee, Jeans, Boots, Bag}

Oh hello. I wore this today. Only two more outfits to go, whee! Is it just me or did that go by really fast? It's been fun to post my casual outfits throughout the 30 for 30. I normally just post within the week and not weekends. But it's been real. It's been fun. It's been real fun.

Thank you all for the remedies! I bought about half of the cold and flu aisle today thanks to your suggestions. Although a few of you recommended Throat Coat and I could not find that. Texas does not yet know about this drug, I will write my congressman.

I do wish you guys could hear my voice. It's slightly terrifying. I sound like Demi Moore with a cold. Bryan said that I sound more like Ashton Kutcher with a cold. That's just mean.

*The title is a dedication to the awkward that spilled out of my mouth today, when in the middle of a conversation with a store associate I accidentally said "it's nice to meet you" instead of the words "thank you." Sometimes the lines get switched, if you know what I mean. 

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