On Why I Remix


I remember a particular morning when I was standing in my walk-in closet with absolutely nothing to wear. It was Thursday and I’d already worn my new items I had purchased the weekend before, so I was at a loss, naturally. Would this mean that I would have to think for myself? Dare I try something new and not before seen on a store mannequin? I shuddered at the thought. I left the house in some hodge-podge of an outfit, swearing that I would go to the mall the next weekend to fix my ever-present problem.

That day was a little over 3 years ago but I still remember it. Not the proudest moment of my life, but still a moment that I remember well.

It's been a while, but I still remember what it was like to walk into a store and buy something because the store associate told me it looked good on me. Or because the store fronts that a corporate marketing team put together full of well-dressed mannequins really spoke to my style. My style was a culmination of every store that accepted my credit card. The mall was my maze and I was completely lost.

You’ve heard the story from here. I left the city and I left my beloved mall. (A blessing in disguise, although I didn’t realize that until much later.) We didn’t have a lot of money, as we left two great salaries for two lower salaries. And we had debt to pay off. So shopping was not an option. And as I unpacked my clothing into my new home, I realized that I didn’t like anything I owned. No wonder I couldn’t find anything to wear! So the transformation began. I started looking at fashion blogs to try to figure out the hot mess I had created. We paid off our debt. I figured out what I liked, what I didn’t like. I purged, donated and shopped when I could. I was well on my way of figuring out my style, as it would seem.

And in the midst of all of this I started a blog. To help me in my journey of style. To figure out what to do with my body type (a body type that no magazine could ever define), to figure out what to do with what I already owned (the good, the bad, the expensive) and how I could create a fool-proof closet. But then it happened again, I started shopping recklessly as I am prone to do. So the 30 for 30 was born. To set limits, to be creative, to love what I already have.

Why do I remix?

Because it helps me. It helps me remember my weakness and reminds me of my strengths. It helps me save money while being thankful for what I have. It reminds me that I do have style, but style isn’t something you buy, style is something you create. It reminds me that I have enough and with a little bit of creativity I can have even more.

And everyday I am able to get up and get dressed and be reminded of what I have to be thankful for. I am reminded that I have all of the resources I need, but to use them with great care. And that I can create and re-create myself each and every day.

This is the last outfit of my Fall 30 for 30. I'm sad to bid it goodbye, as I've had so much fun this time around. Third time is definitely a charm. See all of my outfits right here. Thanks for hanging around, I hope it's been as fun for you as it has been for me.

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