
Here are the answers to your questions.
Hier sind die Antworten zu euren Fragen. Ich hoffe esist nicht schlimm, dass ich sie nur auf englisch geschrieben habe. Ich hatte leider keine Ziet sie nochmal auf deutsch aufzuschreiben. Sorry.
    What inspires you? I love reading magazines and taking a look at old magazine articles and I think magazines are the place I get my inspirations from. But of Corse, blogs like Style Rooky and the Beckerman Girls also inspire me.
Do you wear the outfits on your blog in your everyday's life? Honestly, no. I just wear a light version of my blogs outfit for example to school. This means that I love to wear dresses or skirts to school but my white or printed tights stay at home. But I think people like my school outfits but sometimes I really do wear vintage jumpers or sth. Like this and then everybody is asking me why I'm wearing these weird clothes? So school: Casual, comfortable and stylish at home: crazy, creative, inspiring J
Who takes pictures of you? Sometimes my cousin is the one who takes pictures of me. But nearly all my posts are taken with an remote. I really don't want to bother my friends to take pictures of me and taking pictures on my own is easier for me and my friends.
How do you describe yourself? Hard question. But I think in general I'm a friendly and sometimes shy girl that loves fashion and taking pictures (not just of me. I love to take pictures of other people. This can be so inspiring and cute.) I also am pretty ambitious, I think and I love to go out and take a walk with my dog or just do some stuff with my friends or with my cousin.
What's the name of your dog? My dog is called Lilo and I loooooove her J
Why did you start blogging? I really don't know. Maybe I thought that so many people have a blog and I still was interested in fashion and so it'd be a good way to combine my love for fashion and photography.
When did you start loving fashion? In my opinion I still loved shopping and also fashion but this big interest for fashion started while blogging.
When is your birthday? 20.05.1995
Do you have a brother or a sister? No, I'm an only child J
Do you use make up? No, I just use some lipstick but for school I use no makeup. Because I still want to look natural and I have the opinion that I might think I'd look ugly wearing makeup when I've started using it.
Do you buy clothes online? Not really, I just sometimes order clothes at Topshop or Asos because in Germany we don't have these cool stores. Ohh and sometimes I order stuff on ebay.
Which magazines do you read? I love to read Teenvogue and Poopmagazine. These magazines are REALLY inspiring because their photoshoots are special, futuristic and creative. And nothing is more relaxing then reading an article in Teenvogue. You totally feel like a teenager while reading an article about teenage issues.
Who is your favorite fashion blogger? I really like Tavi Gevinson. Because her blog is really inspiring and I love the Beckerman Bite Plate girls and the clothes, camera and coffee girl. But I read so many blogs and every blog has something cool and special.
Can you describe your style? No. My style still changes. It depends on my current inspirations.
Where is your lipstick from? My lipsticks are from RivalDeLoop.

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