Erin on Why I Remix

I buy my clothes at largely the same places that everyone else does. But that doesn’t mean I have to wear them in the same way that everyone else wears them. You can have a wardrobe that’s 90% “big box store” items, but no one would ever suspect as long as you wear those items your own way!

Why Do I remix?

I think that clothes and accessories offer such a wonderful outlet for us to express ourselves, for us to present to the world our personality and even our mood. And since my mood changes all the time, the way I wear my clothes changes too! My style changes in little ways every day. I’m constantly influenced by not just my mood, but fashion blogs, TV shows and people on the street. Remixing is a great way to keep evolving your style. I don’t need new clothes, just new pairings.

I thought myself a proficient remixer before I participated in the 30x30 challenge, but I’ve gained new insight into how I approach clothes and what categories I put things in. I’ve worn things in ways I never would have imagined had they not been on the rack together, and it’s been wonderful. I’ve felt like I have tons of new clothes, without actually buying any!


Keep up with Erin and her remix at Work With What You've Got.

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