Cruise Collection...





Hi!!! How was everyone's weekends? I had an amazing time in Vancouver complete with a little shopping, some in-your-face hockey mania (you have no idea!), and a delightful trip to Solly's Bagels, as per our tradition... What did you guys get up to?

OK, now that we're all caught up, can we please take a moment here to talk about these shorts? I bought them impulsively at Winners last week (only $16.99!), yet so far it has been quite the love affair. The print seems very cruise ship lady (CSL) to me, which is what initially drew me to them, and I'm totally smitten with the fit, which basically means they're not too short/scandalous. A win-win, if you will...

I tried to tone them down here with the black tights and jacket (not to mention it was chilly that day!), but the bright vintage top and orange quilted bag are somewhat akin to their CSL roots... What do you guys think? Are they cute or over the top? Give it to me straight, friends; I can take it... ;)

Outfit details: top- vintage; shorts- Winners; jacket- Sirens; heels & necklace- Forever 21; bag- Winners; bracelets- H&M, vintage & the Bay; rings- YSL & the Bay


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