Is this real life?

{Shop: Similar Blazer, Similar Jeans, Heels}

First let me start this off by saying this doesn't really happen in real life. This referring to my pink blazer. I typically don't find something so awesome in a thrift store that I've been coveting in real life. This is not the luck I have, trust me. And if I do find it, it typically does not fit, it's too expensive or it has a huge stains on it. But this pink blazer happened, my friends. I don't know who I've made happy in thrifting karma, but it's coming full circle. 

I wanted this pink blazer from Zara but just couldn't bring myself to buy it. Lo and behold some little lady had given this jacket up. Had she not given it up I'd probably wrestled her down on a street and taken it from her. I do have standards but I am not above wrestling an old lady for a fitted pink blazer. 

Low standards are still standards after all.  

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